[CCoE Notice] SASE Social Event - Tonight at 7pm at UC Game Room: Free bowling, food, and drink

Lewis, Lindsay R lrlewis2 at Central.UH.EDU
Tue Oct 11 13:22:17 CDT 2011


Tonight, Society of Asian Scientist and Engineers (SASE) is having social event at 7pm the UC Game Room. There will be free bowling, food, and drink.

Members who are interested in volunteering with GE for the Food Bank this Saturday can sign up at the event. This will be amazing opportunity for students to interact with GE representatives, who will be at our Cooperates-students Speed Dating Event on next Thursday 10/20/11. Also, there will be raffle prizes for the people that participate for this volunteer event.

Please let me know if you have any question.
Thank you and good luck on your tests

Best regards,
Giang (Tina) Vo
Chemical Engineering - Senior
National Society of Black Engineers Treasurer
Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers President
treasurer at uhnsbe.org
uh.sase at gmail.com
gtvo at uh.edu

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