[CCoE Notice] Colloquium * October 28, 2011 * Carlos Gutierrez * Sandia National Labs

Lewis, Lindsay R lrlewis2 at Central.UH.EDU
Thu Oct 20 14:57:53 CDT 2011

 ***** Colloquium *****
Center for Integrated Bio and Nano Systems
Houston Chapter of IEEE Nanotechnology Council and Houston Chapter of IEEE Magnetics Society
Friday, October 28, 2011
12:30 p.m. (Refreshments served at noon)
Room: W122 Building D3

Graphene Nanoelectronics Materials Research at Sandia National Labs
Carlos J. Gutierrez

Surface and Interface Sciences Department, Sandia National Labs, Albuquerque, NM

The isolation of graphene in 2004 by Geim and Novoselov has stimulated robust international research activity, and was recognized by the 2010 Physics Nobel Prize.  The unique electronic, optical thermal and mechanical properties of graphene have significant potential for next generation electronic and photonic device material.  This interest has stimulated the development of improved synthesis routes for high-quality large area graphene materials. The growth of high quality graphene films on silicon carbide via surface sublimation of silicon at elevated temperature (a process termed "graphitization") is an excellent system for understanding the fundamental mechanisms of large area epitaxial graphene growth yielding materials that also sheds light on graphene's fundamental materials characteristics.  Hence, this graphitization process holds a wealth of opportunity for improved scientific understanding that is vital for reliably engineering future device structures.  I will discuss recent results of the graphene nanoelectronics research efforts at Sandia National Labs, and highlight the insight that we have obtained through complementary characterization activities using low energy electron microscopy, Raman microscopy, scanning probe microscopy, and electrical characterization.  Using this research activity as an example, I will also discuss the research environment at Sandia National Labs and briefly discuss Sandia's role as a National R&D and National Security resource.

Bio of Prof. Gutierrez:

Carlos J Gutierrez is the Manager of the Surface and Interface Sciences Department at Sandia National Laboratories (NM).  His Department focuses on fundamental nanostructured energy materials research and nanoelectronic materials research (often with external industry and academic engagement) supporting mission-relevant science-based engineering technology innovation.  Gutierrez received his Ph.D. and M.S. Degrees in Physics and Astronomy from the Johns Hopkins University, and a B.S. in Physics from the University of Dallas.  He served as a National Research Council Postdoctoral Research Associate at the Naval Research Lab conducting spintronics research with Gary Prinz.  Prior to joining Sandia, Gutierrez served as a Professor of Physics at Texas State University from 1992-2005, where he was awarded the university's first NSF CAREER project and the 2001 Texas State University Presidential Award in Scholarly Excellence.  Gutierrez' Department at Sandia National Labs annually averages ~50 peer-reviewed research journal publications, ~40 contributed talks, and ~20 invited talks on a variety of topics engaging surface and interface sciences.

Contact Prof. Dmitri Litvinov (litvinov at uh.edu<mailto:litvinov at uh.edu>) if you would like to arrange for a time to meet with Prof. Gutierrez.

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